of the Mexican restaurants attempt to offer authentic dishes that are marketed as Mexican cuisine. A lot of Americans are unaware of what is authentic Mexican dishes, further aggravates the of the situation. Genuine Mexican cooking provides cuisines which are similar to the food made by Mayan Indians thousands of years back. This is why it’s important to differentiate the genuine from fake establishments to enjoy the delicious Mexican cuisine.
authentic Mexican dinners feature popular food items such as tostadas, burritos as well as the enchiladas. The authentic Mexican eateries that serve authentic Mexican cuisine don’t have gimmicky names such as ‘quadrupledecker’s filled Enchilada’, or’super mega Burrito’ on their menus.
Mexican eateries that are authentically authentic preserve their culture without exaggerating their decor. What makes a restaurant appealing is not in the colors or elaborate the decorations however, it is the genuine Mexican food they serve. If you notice sombreros and maracas images all over the walls, then it’s probably that you are eating in a fake Mexican restaurant.