Seo reporting tools are a huge part of running a successful website. If you are not using SEO at all, then your website is more than likely hurting even more. Here are a few reasons that you should begin utilizing SEO tools in order to obtain SEO reports as soon as possible.
1. Though you might think that sponsored search results are the way to go, in fact studies have shown that they do not work as well as you might think that they do. Between 70 and 80 percent of those you preform internet searches each day pay no attention to sponsored results, and instead choose organic results.
2. Speaking of organic, Google rents goats from a grazing company to mow the laws of their corporate headquarters.
3. Though you might not believe that they are a necessary part of running a successful website, company blogs actually have a huge impact on whether a companys website gets indexed. In fact, companies that blog have 434 percent more indexed pages. Have a site that is indexed results in more leads. SEO reporting can help you to keep track of these indexes.
4. Over half, 58 percent to be exact, of consumers start researching a product or service by using a search engine. This number is much higher than those who visit company websites to do their research, 24 percent. Those who inquire about products and services via social media platforms comes in lowest at only 18 percent.
5. According to market research, leads that are generated through search engine optimization have an almost 15 percent close rate while outbound leads only average a close rate of just under two percent.