Many people can safely use alcohol socially in moderation, but there are many people who struggle with severe addiction issues. Since there is no way to moderately or safely use illicit drugs, the majority of people who struggle with dependence and addiction generally enter either die or enter treatment centers and get clean.
Interestingly, more than half of new illicit drug users start by using marijuana. Next to marijuana, the most common catalysts for drug use are prescription pain relievers and inhalants, the latter of which is seeing a spike in popularity among younger teens. Referring to the former, since so many pain management doctors are prescribing addicting pain relievers, more and more people are suffering from addiction and dependency issues.
People who want to quit using drugs often enroll in detoxification centers. However, detox programs for physical dependence to drugs or alcohol do not always assess the psychological, behavioral or social factors that lead to addiction. On the other hand, there are many addiction rehab treatment centers that look at a vast scope of the patient’s life, and can address exactly what causes their addiction and try to beat the disease at its root.
After the patient has completed his or her stay at an alcohol detox center or other detoxification center, the next step is to reintegrate that patient into addiction treatment. Detox just refers to getting the drugs out of the system; post-detox is one of the most difficult times for drug users as severe cravings and withdrawal symptoms may begin to kick in, which can cause many people to fall off the wagon.
Ultimately, it sometimes takes treatment centers, multiple stays in rehabilitation and a bevy of other solutions to get someone to stop using drugs or alcohol. Sometimes it is impossible to break the throes of addiction and dependence. Fortunately, there are always people willing to help others stop using drugs. At the end of the day, drugs and alcohol kill people and often lead to severe legal consequences. However, it is far from impossible to beat addiction, and there will always be people available to help the fight along the way. Continue.