S. The most common symptoms include a runny or itchy nose, a scratchy throat, red and itchy eyes, and congestion. It can lead to severe irritation. If there is a significant amount of dust is present it may cause breathing problems. If this is the case, they need to take immediate medical care. Although all of this has been a lot of trouble there are many who don’t comprehend what the dust actually is and what causes it to do this to us. In this clip, you will discover.
Dust is made up of two different things. It is either the decomposing bodies or dust mites’ excrement. Dust mites, microscopic creatures are able to eat dead skin cells. That’s an extremely unpleasant concept. But, the situation gets more difficult. You can find them everywhere. They like to nestle in your pillows and bedsheets as there’s a great deal of dead skin cells. In order to reduce the amount of dust mites living on your bed, get hypoallergenic sheets. Keep dusty items out of your bedroom. This will greatly reduce your allergies.