What about laser hair removal is good? For starters, how about the fact that it actually works better than most hair removal methods. Not only does it work better than most other methods, it will keep the hair away for a longer period of time, and in some cases if you do it enough, the hair can go away for good. Yes, I said it! FOR GOOD!
Hair removal lasers have been in use since the late 90s, and they actually have been approved by the FDA as a method of permanent hair reduction. The thought of lasers can be terribly off putting, but the truth is that they are completely safe and made as painless as possible. They are equipped with a cooling device that is used to reduce the discomfort of the laser light that also will protect the top layer of skin from excessive heating as well as potential changes in pigmentation.
A percentage of hair follicles are instantaneously and permanently disabled with each laser hair removal treatment, so if you go through with laser hair removal treatment and do not feel like you are immediately seeing results, that is because it often takes several treatments to provide an extended hair free period.
Laser hair reduction is used for all parts of the body, such as the back, chest, legs, etc. And if you want to get real risky, you can even do your bikini line! Just a thought. But eyebrow laser hair removal and mustache laser hair removal are frequently used among woman, because lets be honest here, no female wants noticeable hair in those easily seen places.
Eyebrow laser hair removal is easier and more efficient than waxing or plucking. No more giant red skin reaction from the ripping of wax. No more repetitive painful pluck that you do not have the time to do. Plus, laser hair removals are a more promising approach to permanent hair loss. Get more here.
I don’t care if it’s used mainly for woman, My husband should get his darn uni-brow removed NOW! that thing is so bushy
EWWWW! that is so gross. just tell him to shave that thing!
EWWWW! that is so gross. just tell him to shave that thing!
EWWWW! that is so gross. just tell him to shave that thing!
EWWWW! that is so gross. just tell him to shave that thing!
EWWWW! that is so gross. just tell him to shave that thing!