So, you are considering breast implants. Breast Implants Tampa FL are a very common surgical implant that are placed over the pectoral muscle, behind existent breast tissue, or beneath the pectoral muscle. There are many reasons women consider Tampa breast implants, which include, but are not limited to: fatty tissue depletion due to breastfeeding, fluctuations in BMI, asymmetrical breast placement, uneven breast sizes and a general lack of confidence due to media and social pressures to have a voluptuous bust and spaghetti thin tummy. But, believe it or not, breast surgery is most commonly done to correct uneven breasts. 90 percent of breast implant surgeries are performed on women who have had children. According to Cosmos Boob Bible, roughly 250,000 women receive breast augmentation surgery each year. So, if you are considering getting breast implants Tampa FL, you are not alone.
The pioneer of breast augmentation was Timmie Jean Lindsey. In 1962, she underwent the very first breast augmentation surgery with silicone implants. Along with becoming a busty representation of 2nd wave feminism, she has paved the way for the lucrative industry breast augmentation tampa fl has become today.
Whatever your reasons for investigating plastic surgery, breast implants Tampa Fl are there to mold you to where you want to be. With Tampa breast augmentation, you can feel good about yourself. Breast surgery used to be a long, messy, complicated process that required time away in a hospital, but today you can have your new breasts overnight! No inpatient care beyond that is necessary.
If pain is your concern, have no fear. Breast implants Tampa FL are done under localized or general anesthesia. You wont feel a thing! Except for beautiful upon completion, of course. Continue reading here.
I, like most women, got my breast implants after the age of 34. I went through a bad divorce and, honestly, I was worried I would have trouble finding another man, but now I look and feel amazing.
My breasts are so saggy that I often feel them brush up against my belly button. Can breast implants correct such extreme cases?
My breasts are so saggy that I often feel them brush up against my belly button. Can breast implants correct such extreme cases?
My breasts are so saggy that I often feel them brush up against my belly button. Can breast implants correct such extreme cases?
My breasts are so saggy that I often feel them brush up against my belly button. Can breast implants correct such extreme cases?
My breasts are so saggy that I often feel them brush up against my belly button. Can breast implants correct such extreme cases?
My breasts are so saggy that I often feel them brush up against my belly button. Can breast implants correct such extreme cases?